New Years Day Mini Retreat January 1st

Do you want to start 2025 thoughtfully and within intention?Would you find it beneficial to step into a space prepared for reflection?Do you find that opening your body, mind and heart through yoga brings you clarity?Do you need a safe, inclusive and accessible space to release the old and welcome the new?Are you willing to invest three hours on New Year’s Day to get in touch with your personal sacred center within?If so, please consider joining us for an afternoon of gentle yoga, sacred sounds, quiet personal time for reflection and a guided conversation. You are invited to come, rest into your sacred center and journey with us into the heart-space where peace, wisdom and love abound.  This half day retreat is available to all adults, regardless of experience or ability to pay.  The suggested donation is a sliding scale of $30-$60 through The Sacred Center Eventbrite page.  Please contact Rev Shelley for additional information.
Participants are asked to bring the following:yoga mat, pillow, blanket, journal, a healthy snack to contribute to the refreshment table.