RSVP event Saturday April 12th 3 - 6 p.m.
Community Highlights
Creative Crafting Series: Springtime Egg Decorating April 19th
The value of the egg has been in the news a lot these days, however, decorating the humble egg has always been a precious Springtime tradition. Join us as we eggsperiment with various decorating techniques both ancient and modern. We will learn about, and be inspired...
True Expression Mini’s (photography sessions) March 29th & April 5th
Our friend Kelsea Godek Photography is at it again! CreatingPure Magic Introducing True Expressions minis, capturing your child’s true personalities ! These up-close portrait sessions are all about genuine expressions—giggles, silly faces, and big, bright smiles....
PMD Alliance presents Renew! Retreat!® May 3rd
Gardening Club meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month……
Want Info About Renting The Hall?
Members of CFP enjoy a reduced rental rate but you do not have to be a member to have your next party or event here @ CFP. Contact Sue or visit and fill out a Rental Request Form today.
The spirit of volunteerism is alive and well in CFP!
"The spirit of volunteerism is alive and well in CFP. This group of neighbors joined together to create a rain garden to manage stormwater runoff at the CFP Center for Arts, Wellness, and Community. It was a fantastic day!"